Once In A Lifetime Hunts
Once in a lifetime hunts are some of the most coveted tags in Utah for obvious reasons. Most individuals that draw these permits have been putting in for 20 plus years, so you want guides with experience. We have successfully guided Moose, Mountain Goat, Bison, Rocky Mountain Bighorn, and Desert Bighorn
throughout the state. Whether it takes horses, ATV’s, or hiking, we will make sure you have an opportunity to harvest your once in a lifetime species.
Once in a Lifetime Tags
When the drawing begins, 50 percent of the permits for each hunt are drawn by the applicants that have the most bonus points. Next, the other 50 percent of the permits for each hunt are drawn among all remaining applicants. Having bonus points will give you a better chance at drawing a permit in this part of the drawing also.
Conservation Tags
You can purchase a Conservation tag that is 100% tax deductable. With these tags comes the benefit of hunting the hottest units without having to draw out for it. The money spent on conservation tags goes directly to benefit Utah’s wildlife and their habitats. High Top Outfitters provides a FREE draw consultation for all elk hunts, trophy and general season. We are happy to assist you in obtaining your conservation tag and/or selecting the best hunt and unit for you based off of your accumulated preference points.