Guided Antelope Hunts

If you want to test your shooting skills on some of the funnest hunting out there, you need to get yourself an antelope tag. They don’t call these animals speed goats for nothing! You can expect to harvest an antelope in the 70″ to 80″ range on most units in the state of Utah. We have helped harvest trophy animals on most units in the state, including sportsman permit holders.

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Antelope Tags

There are a few different ways to obtain an Antelope tag in the state of Utah including:
-Utah’s draw tags – If you are unsure about Utah’s draw system or need advice about what unit you should put in for, we offer free consultation.
-Conservation tags that are 100% tax deductible – We can assist you in obtaining your conservation tag.

Conservation Tags

You can purchase a Conservation tag that is 100% tax deductable. With these tags comes the benefit of hunting the hottest units without having to draw out for it. The money spent on conservation tags goes directly to benefit Utah’s wildlife and their habitats. High Top Outfitters provides a FREE draw consultation for all elk hunts, trophy and general season. We are happy to assist you in obtaining your conservation tag and/or selecting the best hunt and unit for you based off of your accumulated preference points.